As an employer you may have a temporary, seasonal labor need; having laborers when you need them is critical to the success of your business. Southern Impact specializes in assisting employers with the necessary processes and required applications to obtain foreign labor certification. Southern Impact provides timely, effective services whereby the process runs as smoothly as possible.
You will have peace-of-mind knowing Southern Impact is diligently working with the State Workforce Agency, US Department of Labor, and US Citizenship & Immigration Services on your behalf. You can be assured of our personal commitment, one-on-one consultation, and dependable, professional services.
Need assistance in locating qualified job applicants for your seasonal, temporary labor force? Southern Impact can put you in contact with experienced recruiting services in Mexico, Jamaica, South Africa, and the Ukraine. You have the opportunity to communicate your criteria and expectations directly with the recruiter. You will be given opportunity to review resumes and speak directly with prospective employees. In addition, Southern Impact services go beyond the scope of the countries listed above as we have assisted with successful visa issuance in more than 15 countries around the world.